Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day recap

The day started with a snow-rain mix.
We mostly were planning to stay in anyway.
In the morning we watched Freedom Writers.
It's a love story of a different kind - a teacher's.
I will write more about this movie Saturday in the blog.

I made some Macaroonies while Randy cleared snow.
There was a lot of ice so decided to see if sun would help.
So we watched second movie of the day: Catch & Release
It's a romantic comedy starring Jennifer Garner of Alias.
I liked it although there were some strange elements.

Randy again attempted to go out to do a few errands.
We needed the paper because I had placed a "love message".
Decided to watch another movie: Come Early Morning
It stars Ashley Judd in what some say is her best performance.
It was a good relationship movie that included country music.

Randy finally headed out while supper was heating up in the oven.
So I did not have to cook we decided on On-Cor lasagna.
I was going to make bread sticks but temps varied too much.
When out Randy picked up Little Caesar's cheese bread sticks.
We ate by candlelight with a glass of Welch's Sparkling fruit cocktail.

During the course of the day my left eye had become a "red eye".
My nose was also draining pretty heavily as well - thinking allergy.
I decided to lay down and put a hot compress on eyes for a little bit.
This gave Randy a chance to sit down and read the paper.
He did find the "love message" I had placed for him.

We finally settled into watching the last movie of the day.
It was Elizabethtown with Orlando Bloom and Kirsten Dunst.
Since I was not feeling well I feel asleep in Randy's arms.
I saw the beginning and the end. Will watch the rest of it later.
Evening snack: Chubby Hubby for me and Moose Tracks for Randy.

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