Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Family Animal Movies

Today we picked Family Movies about animals.
The titles are just one word long referring to animal.
A couple are old stories retold and a couple are original.
We plan to watch more Family Movies the next two days.

Hoot (2006) - about endangered owls
Big business is trying to build in area where owls burrow.
A small group of children learn of this and try to save them.
Great segments of wildlife shots and children caring for others.

Flicka (2006) - about mustang horse
A young girl finds a wild mustang.
She sets about to capture him and train him.
Against the odds and her father's wishes she does so.

Duma (2005) - about orphaned cheetah
An orphaned cheetah is saved and raised by a family.
The plan was always to return it to the wild.
The adventure is finding the cheetah's homeland.

Lassie (2005) - about beloved collie dog
I grew up watching Lassie the series.
In this tale the family has to sell the dog.
But Lassie always returns to his original home.

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