Saturday, January 19, 2008


As well as movies Randy has tv series on DVD.
The last few days we watched Eureka - the first season.
I love the show - I use to watch it on cable.
Randy is now anxious to see the second season.

I found Sci-Fi's official Eureka website.
I wanted to know more about the town and "characters".
I found a (confidential) town history and cast information:
Jack Carter - sheriff, Zoe Carter - Jack's daughter,
Allison Blake - Jack's love interest and governmental liason,
Nathan Stark - Allison's estranged husband and head researcher,
Jo Lupo - deputy sheriff and former US Army Ranger,
Jim Taggart - "biological containment specialist",
Henry Deacon - jack-of-all-trade, Douglas Fargo - Nathan's assistant,
and the very secretive Beverly Barlowe - brilliant psychotherapist.

And for those already into the show here are a couple more links:
Made in Eureka - sale videos of products "Made in Eureka"
Allison Blake's PSA - one of LiveSmart, Public Service Announcements
For the record the above two are for FUN only (don't take seriously).

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