Friday, January 25, 2008

Again, it wasn't us!

But I felt the earthquake this time! It happened at 4:21 this morning. But all felt was a little shaking of the bed. It was a 1.7, barely noticeable and was centered only a few miles away.

1 comment:

Church Basement said...


On Jan 31, 1986, three days after the Challeger disaster, we had a mag 5.0 in Cleveland. I loved it. In the middle of study hall I stood up and said, " earthquake!" (Or maybe "wicked," after all, it was 1986.) Mr. Hatfield told me to sit down and shut up...the pipes in the school were thawing. What an ass. "No way dude, earthquake." Sure enough, minutes later I was vindicated by an announcement by the principal,"What you just experienced was a 5.0 earthquake." Totally! Take that, Hatfield, you pantless twit. And by the way, I WILL laugh out loud while reading Catcher in the Rye.