Saturday, December 1, 2007

Wedding Day Viewpoint of Groom

I arrived at her parents for my final night of stay around 12:20 am (after leaving Cathy's at 11:59 pm, so I wouldn't see her on the "wedding day"). My bed was in a different room since my previous room went to John & Sarah, but it was easy to find since the light was left on.

I woke up the first time at 4:11 am. I think her mom was stirring but since it was too early for me, I went back to sleep.

I woke up the second time at 5:55 am. Actually got up and watched the news with her parents. But eventually went back to bed.

Third time's a charm. Around 8ish I called Cathy from my cell phone to say good morning. Right after I got off the phone, her mom opened up the door saying they needed to move me to their room. That bed disappeared within 5 minutes of my leaving it!

I managed to stay up! John and her dad had left to get the food, the flowers and the cake sometime around 9ish and got it back fairly quickly. It didn't take long to get it all set up.

I called Mike around 10ish to see how they were doing (good). Cathy called soon after 10 to say that she was going to take a nap and to wake her at 10:30. She called back about a minute later to suggest that I take a few pictures of them setting up. (Looks like I snapped around 15 on the disposable camera I had.)

I finally got into the shower around 10:20ish and dressed in her parent's room. The phone rang while I was dressing and when I got out into the other room, heard her mom say that we forgot about Cathy (it was nearly 11). [OOPS!]

Her dad finally left to get my bride just before 12. Cathy called sometime after that for them to get the curling iron hot. Seemed like 15 minutes later someone remembered to plug in the curling iron! Then they started to watch for the car - at which point her mom reminded me that I'll have to go to the back room so I don't see my bride too early.

"There they are!" and "Go!" were said shortly after. I disappeared to the back room. Mike came back there to keep me company and we made small talk while waiting. Finally, Pastor Frank arrived and we started making the last minute preparations of the witnesses signatures on the form and with the rings (making sure the best man and the matron of honor had the opposite rings to give to us).

Finally, after everyone except her dad and my bride were in the room, the time had arrived! I knew she was at the door when everyone stood up. And then she came through! She sat next to me!! She looked lovely!!!

Pastor Frank started with the little boys joke about how many wives we're allowed (16! - fo(u)r better, fo(u)r worse, fo(u)r richer, fo(u)r poorer - go ahead and groan, you know you want to!). Then he asked who gives her away and her dad replied "Her mother and I". And he gave a good presentation of the gospel and the love that Christ has for His bride and charged me to have that same love for Cathy!

The big moment - I said "I most certainly do!". Cathy said "I certainly do!" for her big moment. Then he asked us to hold hands and noticed that we already were. We each repeated the vows after him, to which afterwards he got to say his big words "By the powers invested..., I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your wife."

Our photographer got a few pictures with the parents, the attendants and we think with John & Sarah but we're not sure - we'll see when we get the pictures back.

FOOD time! (It took her mom a while to think about clinking glasses (they were plastic though!) but we had already snuck a few kisses while nobody noticed. Sherry finally clinked on her coffee cup to get us to kiss.)

Then cake cutting time. We sliced off a piece and fed each other together nicely. Sherry cut the rest and served it to the rest of the party. A little while later, the best man gave a wonderful toast!

We left a little while later.

The rest is between us!!!

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