Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Vacation Day 1

Randy's two week vacation was to travel from Ohio to Maine
and visit with moi, then girlfriend and now fiance!!!

4 AM - I called once but got voicemail
second time I got a hold of him - he'd been in shower

4:35 AM - I called again to remind him off phone charger
He was loading vehicle to head out momentarily

6:15 AM Randy called from rest area
9% here - had seen West Salem sign

8:20 AM Just outside Ohio (in PA) thru Cleveland
22% here - 245 miles

10:15 AM 9 miles from Buffalo - 34 miles from Niagara Falls
34% here - 310 miles

11:10 AM - Randy called - 30 miles outside Buffalo
will take cat nap - asked me to call in 20 minutes

11:30 AM woke Randy so he could hit road

1:40 PM called Randy to check in
was pulled off trying to nap
48% - 435 miles
will call back at 2:00 to make sure he's awake

4 PM - 60 miles outside Albany - 60% here

5 PM - "RUSH HOUR" will rest until 7 - 593 miles

7 PM - we talked - mentioned sun would be down at 8 PM
knew he was tired - said he would stay overnight!!!

11 PM - Randy called - 100 miles closer in Ludlow
77% here

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